
Will you or someone you know please give serious thought to giving a few hours each month to keep the club and trail functioning?

We are looking for a few good men and women to volunteer to take an active part in the Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club through participation in trail maintenance or the Board of Directors. The RATC Board and our faithful trail maintaining volunteers need new blood.

Our section of the AT receives rave reviews from day, section, and through hikers. But we need you! If you have a little time and love the outdoors check out our Meetup group for work hikes and come on out. Wear hiking boots/shoes, clothes that can stand to get dirty, and work gloves. Bring a few bottles of water and lunch. The work hike leader will take care of the rest. We supply the tools, instruction, camaraderie and the promise of a few sore muscles

In addition to directed work hikes, we also have a self-directed trail maintainer program. The trail maintainer does light maintenance on their assigned section of trail. Each section is about four miles long. The maintainer clips the vegetation along the trail during the growing season, removes small blow-downs, clears water-bars, and repaints the blazes as needed. If there is a shelter and privy on his/her section, the maintainer checks it for trash, graffiti, and dismantles illegal fire rings. We usually have two to three people assigned to each section. Training and equipment is provided. You can contact the for more information.

When it comes to the board, we need some new blood there as well. We meet the first Monday evening of each month at a central location (currently the Glenvar Library in Salem) and spend about an hour discussing the club’s business, plans and problems. It is an eclectic group and full of interesting personalities, but we all share a passion for the AT and its protection.

You don’t need to be awesome, just willing.

Ready to volunteer? Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you soon!